Liquor Laws Continue to be Big Focus in Montgomery County

In order to compete with its neighbor the District of Columbia, Montgomery County, Maryland, continues to strive to make itself a more inviting place for those seeking after-hours entertainment options.  As indicated in my previous post, a sizable portion of these efforts involves reforming the county’s laws regarding the sale of alcoholic beverages.  In case you had any doubt, however, as to how important these issues are for the county, a recent article in the Gazette newspaper notes that more than two-thirds (9 out of 13) of the bills being considered by the county’s delegation to the 2014 General Assembly relate to liquor licensing and other aspects of the county’s regulation of alcohol.

If you have any questions about how any of these laws will affect your business, how you might be able to take advantage of any proposed changes, or how you can play a role in affecting the outcome of any of these proposals, please do not hesitate to contact us.